Modern people process large amounts of information every day. For this purpose, as a rule, computers are used. As a result, the eyes are in a tense state most of the time. They get tired quickly, which often causes vision problems.
It should be understood that the visual organs also need rest. After all, too much energy leads to dryness and redness. As a result, visual acuity may decrease.
To relieve fatigue, strengthen eye muscles, you can use special exercises for the eyes.
Like any type of gymnastics, eye exercises are useful if done properly for a long time. They focus on training, relaxation and strengthening of the eye muscles.
In each exercise, two or three approaches are sufficient. In between workouts, blink quickly.
"Nose letter"
This exercise is considered a warm -up. It relieves tension from the eyes and neck muscles. Exercises are done while sitting.
At first, you need to relax and close your eyes. Then imagine there is a pen at the tip of the nose. The eyes should not be tense. It is important to move in the air with an imaginary pen, imagining the process of writing or drawing.
To do such a visual exercise, you need to relax, sit up straight, close your eyes with your hands so that the middle part of the right palm is parallel to the right pupil. The same situation must be observed on the left. The palms should not be pressed hard against the face. It is permissible to cross the fingers on the forehead or place them side by side, as it is easier.
It is important that there are no "gaps" that allow light to enter. If all the rules are followed, the eyelids should be lowered. The eyes should be closed and covered by the palms of the hands. This will ensure complete relaxation of the visual organs.
"Through Your Fingers"
The arms should be bent at the elbows, while stretching the palms with the fingers open at the same level as the eyes. Then you need to smoothly turn your head to the right and left, look into the distance through your fingers. No need to think of specific objects. Doing the exercise properly will give the impression that the arm is moving. You have to do three rounds, open and then close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 25-30 times. You need to breathe calmly.
"Move to the edge"
In this exercise, you have to move seven times for each eye left-right, up-down, straight-up and straight-down, straight-right and straight-left. Then the gaze should be directed to the upper left corner of the room and smoothly move the eyes to the lower right corner. Then do the opposite. Perform each movement seven times. The rhythm is not important. For best effect, you can connect the fantasy. For example, try describing a semicircle at a glance, a certain geometric figure, or just rotate the eyeball randomly to achieve a clear image.
"Big Circle"
Such a gymnastic complex is simple. The essence is to perform regular circular movements with the help of the eyes. But the head must be silenced.
You have to imagine a big dial in front of you. Then slowly look around in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, noting each number. The lines drawn must not be disturbed. With each exercise, you need to increase the radius of this imaginary circle. At the end of training, you should blink.
The head must be silenced. Movement is only allowed with the eyes. At a glance is to describe the horizontal figure "eight". The pattern created in the air must be large. But the eye muscles should not be too stressed.
The movement needs to be done several times, changing direction in turns.
"Tension of view"
To do this exercise, bring the tip of a pen or other small object to your eyes. All details must be clearly visible. The view must be held on the corresponding subject for a while. The oblique muscles of the eyes and annulus - will tense to the limit. With proper exercise, eyeball elongation and lens bulge will reach maximum value. After that, the visual organs must be loosened.
"Looking out the window"
A circle is attached to the window glass, the diameter of which is from three to five millimeters. It is placed at a distance of about thirty centimeters from the face. It should be at the same level as the eye. Then you have to find an arbitrarily distant object that enters the area of the circle, and look alternately from this object to the circle, and then back. Another option is to stare for ten seconds at a tree or pole outside the window. Then you should look sharply at the wrist or palm. So repeat 15 times.
"Adjusting focal length"
Doing this exercise, you need to focus your eyes on the fingers, which are located at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from the face. Then alternately bring it closer and move it to the outstretched hand. Estimates should be as close as possible. Repeat this complex ten times. Fingers can be moved left and right, as well as diagonally.
Brow relaxation
This exercise will be the perfect gymnastic complement for the visual organs. Often, after a busy day at work, a person closes his eyes and feels his eyebrows crawl over his eyelashes. But in children, this phenomenon does not occur, despite prolonged stay on the monitor. They can enjoy the colors of the world that surrounds them for a long time.
This manipulation will help eliminate the weight of the eyebrows. Eyebrows should be raised slowly, as high as possible. As a result, the ears must be tense. This feeling must be remembered, as it must be achieved without making movements with the eyebrows.
Systematic implementation of such exercises, along with a good mood, will help everyone to observe the bright colors of the world around them with wide open eyes. It is important to maintain the health of the visual organs and pay attention to them on a daily basis. Do not stop if the increase in vision has become noticeable. It is necessary to be systematically involved in the restoration of visual organ function. This will give you maximum effect.